January 31, 2011

the painting extended

i wasn't happy with the cropping so i added and extra foot on top. here it is so far...
36 x 48 inches, oil on raised wood panel

January 26, 2011

January 20, 2011

new painting in progress

 two images of a painting i started yesterday.
 just a few hours in so far but i think it's coming along alright, hopefully i won't ruin it.
36 x 36 inches, oil on wood

two new ink studys

both 9 x 12 inches, ink on paper

Studio sunset

 here's a cell phone picture collage of the sunset a few days ago..

January 6, 2011

new work

 One or two might be finished... they were going well before the holidays and now i'm trying to regain
 the momentum and get back on track. so far so good. a bit of coffee and whiskey should help.